METROFORUM is a space for meeting and dialogue that aims to bring together a plurality of actors (academics, urban practitioners, students) around urban and metropolitan issues. We particularly mobilize the multidimensional concept of “transitions” within our reflections and activities.

This transition must be understood as a global phenomenon, both historical and territorial. This phenomenon has a particularly significant dimension locally, in Lille, as the post-industrial mutation of a productive region and metropolis, as well as the post-health crisis, constitute crucial issues related to their territorial trajectories.

In this context, which we want to consider as mobilizing and stimulating, we will be careful to also invest the transversal question of living, understood in its broadest sense.


The vocation of this chair is primarily academic. Its purpose is to serve the students of the following universities and Grandes Ecoles in Lille: the University of Lille (in particular the Institute of Urban Planning and Geography of Lille, Polytech’Lille, the Faculty of Economic, Social and Territorial Sciences and the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences), the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille and the Institut d’Études Politiques de Lille.

The Chair also aims to build a knowledge, expertise and innovation production system for the Lille metropolis, in the service and support of local authorities. The principle of METROFORUM is therefore based on the mutual interest of academic structures and civil society in collaborating on common projects by capitalising on a tradition of excellent quality dialogue. The aim is to feed a debate that is currently too sparse, to initiate innovative and decompartmentalized projects, to encourage observation and experimentation and to open a chair on applied transitions, with a prospective approach.

The Chair’s mission is to stimulate cooperation between existing courses, to encourage new collaborations based on multidisciplinarity (apprenticeships, double degrees, etc.), and to provide better training for urban planning and development professionals. It will promote work on the key issues of metropolisation (relocation, land and economic dynamics, housing and habitat, mobility) and its transitions. It will initiate or promote the experimentation of socio-technical solutions in response to the challenges of transition around demonstrators, and will encourage and lead a broad local scene of public debate between the territory’s players, the various authorities and civil society.


METROFORUM involves three levels of governance:

A steering committee: a representative of the following institutions: FaSEST, ENSPAL, IEP, I-SITE ULNE
An academic college: steering committee and representatives of the following faculties and schools: FaSEST, Polytech’Lille and FSJPS
A circle of different partners: local authorities, regional government departments, engineering structures, universities, associations.


Scientific Coordinator: Victoria Sachsé /

Administrative Coordinator: Patrick Philippe /